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Three Safety Precautions Tips for Debris Removal

Safe Way to Remove Construction Debris

Job site waste — it is not only unsightly, but it can also be dangerous as well. Construction crews can easily injure themselves if proper precautions are not taken. Cuts, scrapes, punctures, strains, sprains, and eye injuries can commonly occur. And those are relatively minor incidents depending on what is laying around and how debris is being handled. Serious injuries and in some cases even fatalities can happen. Here are the three debris removal safety precautions tips.

Developing Comprehensive Safety Guidelines

Building an average size home usually produces nearly 10,000 pounds of construction-related waste. With that being said, generating that amount of waste requires some forethought in managing waste placement (on the job site) and actual disposal. Some of these materials may be classified as hazardous so accommodations for proper disposal of these items also come into play.

Protective Wear

Work crews should be required to wear protective clothing when working on construction sites that are most appropriate for the job. Some of the basic yet more important items include hard hats, safety eyewear, dust masks, steel-toed and or rubber boots, dust masks, heavy-duty gloves, ear plugs or muffs, and safety yellow/green vests or shirts.

Construction Waste

Many of the materials disposed of on a construction site are sharp and have irregular shapes. Some of the materials can be small and relatively easy to handle while others are large and require special handling. Waste items can include the following materials — re-bar, glass, screws, nails, steel, drywall, tar paper, bricks, cable, and wire to mention just a few. The point here is that work crews should always be mindful of the types of material that they will come in contact with so that they can take the necessary precautions to avoid injury.

To avail of reliable debris removal service, you may want to contact Recycle Ton Remover LLC. We are one of the top-notch companies in Newark, NJ. To have us, don’t hesitate to contact us at (973) 528-4486 now!

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